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Birth and death certificates are available at the Stanberry location from 8:00AM - 4:00PM during the weekdays. Same day service is available to walk-in customers. You must have a photo identification card of some kind, e.g. Driver's license, Work I.D., etc. to obtain the copies. You may come into the Maysville location on Wednesday's & Thursday's from 8:30-3:30 to fill out the application.  We do not have the capability to print it at the Maysville office.  We will print it at Stanberry and mail it to you or bring it back to the Maysville office the next time it is scheduled to be opened. 

Fees (cash or check only)

  • Birth Certificates - $15 each

  • Death Certificates - $13 for one copy - $10 for each additional copy for the same person





No birth certificates before 1920 and no death certificates before 1980 are available at Tri-County Health Department. They may be obtained from:

Missouri Department of Health
Bureau of Vital Records
930 Wildwood
P.O. Box 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102

You may also contact them by phone at:


  • Birth: 573-751-6387

  • Death: 573-751-6374





You may complete the attached application and send it to us with both payment and a photocopy of your driver’s license.  For mail-in requests you MUST have the form notarized. Requests are processed the same day they are received. Please send check or money order and stamped self-addressed envelope.  A photocopy of your driver’s license AND notarized form must be sent with payment or your payment will be returned to you without the certificate.

Mail your request with payment and driver’s license copy to:


Attention: Vital Records

Tri-County Health Department

302 North Park St.

Stanberry, MO 64489


Death Records (1910-1961) - Records of deaths occurring in Missouri from 1910 through 1961 are available at the Missouri State Archives which contain valuable information for family historians and researchers.  The Missouri Death Certificate Database records created after 1910 and over 50 years old, makes that information available online through a searchable digitized image of the original death certificate.

The index can be searched by first name and last name, county, and by year and month.  Once a name is selected, an image of the original certificate can be retrieved.  Missouri State Archives 

Obtaining Out-of-State Vital Records
Births, deaths, marriages and divorces occurring  in states other than Missouri must be obtained from the state where the event took place.  More information about out-of-state birth, death, marriage or divorce certificates can be found on the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website “Where to Write for Vital Records.”


More information regarding Vital Records can be found at the State of Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

You are welcome to print and fill out the application prior to coming to the Health Department, but DO NOT sign it until you get here. 

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