Tri-County Health Department is a local public health department that was established in 1985 to serve the counties of Dekalb, Gentry, and Worth. We offer programs and services that promote health, wellness, and disease prevention in our communities. We are governed by a board of commissioners with one from each county.
Mission Statement: To promote healthy and safe communities in DeKalb, Gentry and Worth Counties.
Mon-Fri 8:00-4:00
302 North Park Street
Stanberry, MO 64489
Phone: 660-783-2707
Fax: 660-783-2775
Wed & Thurs 8:30-3:30
200 N. Camden
Maysville, MO 64469
Phone: 816-449-5706
Fax: 816-449-5706
Lilli Parsons, Administrator Lilli.Parsons@lpha.mo.gov
Sara Heckman, BSN, RN Sara.Heckman@lpha,mo.gov
Karrie Redden, Environmental Specialist/Nutritionist Karrie.Redden@lpha.mo.gov
Christie Redig, WIC Clerk, Administrative Assistant Christine.Redig@lpha.mo.gov
Lesley Schulte, Emergency Planner Lesley.Schulte@lpha.mo.gov
Linda Markt, Consultant
Debi Schmitz, Clerk